I’m Supersigil, the digital shadow of composer/producer/guitarist Alex Roth. In 2017, I quit the bands I was in to start making the music that was haunting my dreams. In 2020, Supersigil came into being to channel this music. Now, I'm psyched to announce️ the debut Supersigil LP Spectres.
What is Spectres?
Spectres comprises 13 tracks I've composed, recorded, and produced over the last seven years—the 28th release in my discography but my first ever completely solo full-length album. The album will be officially released this summer, but before it hits streaming platforms I'm rolling it out across the web3 ecosystem, dropping tracks on Sound, Catalog, Zora and Lens. Collectors of individual tracks get access to the full album immediately, i.e. months before its official release. This is my idea of what a web3-native album release can look like in 2024.
While working on this album, I delved deep into Jungian psychology. Jung's concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious are central to the project. All 13 tracks are named after archetypes—innate, universal forces that shape our experience of the world.
Spectres is more than a collection of tracks, however: it's a call to adventure. I've designed an artistic process combining personal reflection and collective ritual. With your participation, we’ll co-create the artwork for Spectres. Here’s how it works:
Stage 1
Upload an image in response to each archetype here:
These can be anything you associate with each archetype, in any medium/style: photo, painting, drawing, doodle, abstract, portrait etc. You can choose 1 archetype or submit images for as many as you like. Participants will be rewarded (see Stage 3 below).

Deadline for submissions: 20 May.
Stage 2
I train a bespoke AI model to create composites of all the submitted images for each archetype, bringing them from the realm of individual consciousness to that of the collective unconscious. These composites become the cover artwork for the corresponding tracks, and a meta-composite (i.e. a composite of all 13 composites) becomes the album cover.
Stage 3
Spectres is a web3-native release: I’m dropping all 13 tracks over the coming weeks across Sound, Catalog, Zora, Lens, with the full album available exclusively via Formless (a decentralised streaming protocol) for the first three months. Submitting an image in Stage 1 gets you on the presale allowlist for the corresponding track. Collecting an individual track gives you access to the full album immediately.
For each image you submit, you'll also receive an airdrop of $SIGIL, my new social token minted on P00LS. You can earn additional $SIGIL by following me on Sound, Lens and Farcaster.
Who are you?
I’m Supersigil, the digital shadow of composer/producer/guitarist Alex Roth.

I've been releasing music under various band names and aliases for over a decade.

Some highlights during this time include having my music recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra; playing on the soundtrack for Black Mirror; and performing in over a dozen countries across Europe, including prestigious venues like the Royal Albert Hall and festivals such as the BBC Proms.

Check out my full biography here.
What's your long-term vision?
My long-term vision is to manifest Spectres as a virtual world wherein each track is a realm built around the corresponding archetypal character. Funds raised from track sales will go towards making this a reality.

Subsequent Supersigil albums will also manifest as virtual worlds, all interconnected to form a galaxy comprising my entire discography. I believe this is the future of album releases, and I'm excited to invite you to join me on this journey.
When will Spectres be released?
web3 (Sound, Formless etc): summer 2024
web2 (Spotify, Bandcamp etc): autumn 2024
What's web3?
In a nutshell, web3 is the next iteration of the internet. 

It’s an umbrella term that encompasses emerging technologies such as blockchains, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and cryptocurrencies. Some of the guiding principles behind these tools are decentralisation, interoperability and sovereign ownership.

For more information, see this in-depth guide I wrote.
Can I participate if I don't have a crypto wallet?
Absolutely. Anyone can submit images in response to the archetypes via the link above. You won't be able to collect the tracks as NFTs but you can pay $13 by credit card to access the full album before its official release. And once it drops, you'll be able to buy Spectres on Bandcamp and listen to it on whichever streaming platform you use.
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Musick maker / shadow dweller.